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Why Product Identification is Important

product identification

Have you ever wondered how the ground coffee in your kitchen made it all the way to you from Columbia?

Two words: Product identification.

Sure, there are plenty of other critical steps, such as harvesting, transporting, and stocking, but having a proper identification system in place made this process seamless and possible.

Even if you don’t have a vested interest in coffee bean harvesting, understanding how to implement proper identification is vital to your business’s success.

Read on to learn more about product identification and discover 4 critical reasons why you need identification labels on your merchandise.

What Is Product Identification?

product identification at drugstore

Before we go any further, let’s discuss exactly what it means to identify a product.

Product identification is a systematic process of identifying merchandise, products, or parts based on a specific numbering system.

Rest assured, this isn’t as complex as it seems. We’ll prove it to you.

Go over to your kitchen cupboard or cabinet and open it up (trust us).

Grab the first item that you see: the peanut butter jar, the bunch of apples, that fancy new glassware you just bought…now flip them over.

Can you see the barcode? Do you notice the random numbers along the bottom of it?

This is a prime example of product identification.

However, the numbers that you see on the barcode aren’t random. They create a unique code that allows manufacturers, suppliers, and sellers to distinguish it from other products.

In other words, it’s a product identifier.

Let’s take a closer look!

Examples of Product Identifiers

We’ve already gone over a few examples of products that have identification, so let’s look at the identifiers themselves.

Product identifiers can vary depending on the product, the intended purpose of the product, and geographical location. They can also include numbers, letters, and symbols.

For example, a book won’t follow the same identifying pattern as a new desk will, and a jar of jam won’t abide by the same protocols as an industrial machine.

Here are the most common product identifiers:

  • ISBN – International Standard Book Number
  • MPN – Manufacturer Part Number
  • UPC – Universal Product Code
  • EAN – European Article Number
  • FDA product codes

Even if identifiers can vary, there is one fact that remains universal: assigning each product, part, or other item an identification code is crucial to your business.

But before we dive into the importance of having identifiers, let’s quickly learn how manufacturers assign identifiers.

What Details Are Included in Identification?


At this point, you may be thinking, “But is there really any rhyme or reason to identification codes?”

The answer: Yes!

The numbers found along barcodes and plastered on labels are very insightful and follow a strict pattern.

Some of the most common details included in a label are as follows:

  • Brand/Manufacturer’s name, address, and contact information
  • Biohazard or hazardous waste placards (if applicable)
  • Product code, name, and batch number

Luckily, you can easily display this information with a nameplate.

Nameplate manufacturers can easily customize a nameplate in size, shape, color, and even the type of metal depending on the nameplate’s intended usage.

4 Critical Reasons You Need Identification Labels for Your Products

Still on the fence about implementing identification labels into your business?

Check out these four reasons why you need to make the leap and invest in proper identification:

1.) Protecting Against Theft

product identification inventory

Using identifiers is one of the best ways to protect against theft.

If you stock, store, or sell items of any kind, having an identification system in place allows you to keep track of your inventory.

Whether you own a packaging plant or an industrial chemical processing company, if any machinery or other high-value items are stolen, the identification number will be crucial in returning the machine if you know the identification number.

Plus, thieves will think twice before they steal if they see a permanent affixed identifying nameplate that’s easily traceable.

2.) Enhanced Safety

safety label on medicine

Being able to identify your parts and merchandise is always important, but is especially critical for hazardous or sensitive materials.

Take medicine, for example.

If boxes of medicine aren’t labeled correctly, they can be shipped to the wrong places or people and can create serious consequences.

Need another example?

Product identification also helps when a product is recalled.

How many times have you seen a food item get recalled in the national news for containing dangerous bacteria or other undesirable additives?

From food to machinery, being able to track down recalled items using their code allows you to make sure you remove the object and aid in consumer and worker safety.

3.) Product Tracking

package tracing

If disaster does strike, it’s important to be prepared!

Proper identification allows you to effectively and accurately keep track of your goods and inventory: Is there a box missing from the truck order? How about a TV from the electronics department?

When your products have identification, you’re able to track them through all steps of the supply chain. Not only does product traceability allow you to make sure no products go missing, but it also helps ensure customer satisfaction.

Say you sell refurbished computers.

Customers will feel more confident about spending their hard-earned money on your high-ticket merchandise if they can track their new purchase all the way from the warehouse to their front door.

Having identification for your products lets you identify your losses, track shipments, aid in customer satisfaction, and be mindful of your inventory!

4.) Effortless Shopping

online shopping identification

Does your customer know the exact product that they’re looking for?

All you would have to do is search the product identifier code and locate the item in no time, while also viewing how many you have in stock and where.

Typing in a specific product code yields exact answers, whereas searching the phrase “blue shirt” will make the user sort through many options they aren’t interested in.

Merchandise traceability not only allows you to easily locate a product but creates a better experience for the customer.

And what customer doesn’t like making a seamless and hassle-free purchase?

Invest in High-Quality Identification With Hallmark Nameplate

Are you ready to implement product identifiers into your business?

At Hallmark Nameplates, we will manufacture a custom nameplate specific to your brand’s unique needs and vision. With over 60 years of experience, you can trust us to create a nameplate that resonates with your brand’s vision and lives up to your standards in performance and quality.

Let us help you stand apart from your competitors with customized nameplates and other projects, including:

  • Industrial nameplates
  • Membrane switches
  • Graphic overlays
  • Printed circuit boards

Reach out to us today and request a free quote!


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