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We Make Companies Safer Workplaces

Did you ever wonder what it takes to make a workplace safer? It doesn’t matter what a company produces, whether it’s a product or a service, it all comes down to the awareness and knowledge of the people who work there. Think about it for a moment. There are a lot of things that can make a company a dangerous place to work. It could be something as simple as a mat that tends to move when someone steps on it, or it could be something more complicated, like a machine that could be dangerous if it is operated improperly. The good news in all of this is that all it takes is a method of making people aware of the potential for danger and the chances of a dangerous act could be eliminated.

It’s true. If you happen to smoke, how many times have you become aware of a no smoking policy in a company simply by seeing a “No Smoking” sign hanging on a wall? Or perhaps you have noticed a sign saying “Dangerous” on a machine and become extra aware of a potential hazard while operating it? The point is clear that many hazards can be avoided simply by making people in an area aware of a potential hazard. All it takes is a sign or some other type of graphic device in an area.

Unfortunately, the presence of a sign alone won’t make a workplace safer or more dangerous. It takes the appropriate signage or labels to effectively do that job. That’s why at Hallmark Nameplate we are acknowledged as experts in making workplaces safer by the work we do for our clients.

Think about it. Just seeing a sign above a group of machines really won’t make a workplace safer. In fact, when you put up a sign that is designed to make workers aware of potential danger, but the design of it makes it blend in with the surroundings, chances are good that before long it will go totally ignored by the workers in an area. On the other hand, if a sign is more specific of a danger that exists with a specific machine or an area, and it is designed to be seen prior to entering an area, it will be noticed and observed.

The real power of a sign that is effective at helping to prevent accidents or illnesses in the workplace begins long before a sing is installed. In many cases, in fact, it starts with contacting Hallmark Nameplate, which has extensive experience at creating the awareness necessary to prevent these problems. At Hallmark Nameplate our graphics professionals have the know-how to not only create graphics that do a particular job, but they know how to appeal to people’s awareness so that not only do your signs get their attention, but they will make them react appropriately to get the desired result. The folks at Hallmark Nameplate can also advise you on how to most properly use the signage they create to make sure that it prevents the kinds of problems you want to prevent.

You shouldn’t think that just hanging a sign will make people aware of the existence of a problem. It’s most often far more complicated than that. Instead, using a sign to its optimal advantage is a process that begins in the meeting rooms of a creative staff that selects the graphics tools that make people aware of a problem and modifies their actions to prevent them. It continues to ensure that the proper tools are used to make sure that awareness continues throughout the lifetime of a sign or other graphic device.

To make sure that all of these goals are reached, you should have your graphics needs handled by Hallmark Nameplate. This way you will make sure that your workplace will be a safer place, regardless of the type of work that is done there or the role your customers play in getting the job done. At Hallmark Nameplate, you will be able to make sure that your workplace is as safe as it can possibly be. Anything less isn’t safe enough for anyone. Call us today.

How Control Panels Change Everything

The last time you operated a piece of machinery, whether it was as simple as an ice maker on your refrigerator or a cutter on a printing press, chances are good that you availed yourself of instructions printed on the equipment itself. You might have gotten to the point that you didn’t need to use those instructions after you learned how to use it, but even at that point, you probably still referred to it from time to time. And even if you didn’t when there was a problem with the equipment, you probably looked at the graphics on the machinery to find out who sold you the equipment for help. And if you wanted to buy another piece of equipment just like it, you probably checked those graphics again to make sure you reached out to the right manufacturer.

Needless to say, graphic overlays on a piece of machinery can accomplish many different purposes, not the least of which is to show you how to operate it. And even if you have an operator who might be completely familiar with a piece of machinery, control panels that have graphic overlays can be enormously helpful in keeping workers on track with how a piece of machinery is operated, and can keep workers who might not be as familiar with a piece of machinery from attempting to operate it in the dark.

Let’s face it. Even machinery that is relatively simple to operate can be confusing for someone who might not be completely familiar with it or perhaps has had some time pass since the last time they worked with it. In cases such as these, it’s always a good idea to have instructions or other symbology on a piece of equipment that will serve as a reference for their use. Further, even with the simplest equipment, a variety of buttons and knobs can be confusing to discern. When a control panel is marked with the appropriate labels, the fog lifts for even the most inexperienced worker to be able to operate it with ease.

It’s also easy to understand that as a machine ages, the instructions that might have been included when it was first purchased might have been obliterated and are now not as easy to read. This problem can be very dangerous to anyone who attempted to use a piece of machinery. It might not be often thought of, but when a set of instructions becomes difficult to read, it might be in the best interest of everyone to have that copy replaced with graphic overlays that are even better than those included initially.

The good news in this is that Hallmark Nameplate has not only the experience but the technical know-how to provide your machinery with the most complete graphics solutions for your control panel needs. Whether you want to create a first set of overlays for a control panel or refurbish an existing need, at Hallmark Nameplate, we have the people and the equipment to make you a graphic overlay that accomplishes all of your needs.

Hallmark Nameplate has been in the graphics overlay business for more than X years, and we have worked with numerous clients over that time to produce only top quality solutions to those needs. In fact, from the first stages of producing materials for control panels, we work with clients to make sure that all facets of their needs are fulfilled. We take pride in using our experience to make sure that our clients are made aware of even issues that they hadn’t thought of when they brought us a job. To do anything less would be not giving a job our best efforts.

The next time you need help preparing an overlay for control panels on your machinery, you would be doing yourself a favor by contacting Hallmark Nameplate before contacting anyone else. The chances are good that when you reach out to us, you will get all of the answers as well as avail yourself of all the other needs you will have to create control panels that are the best they can be. One call to Hallmark Nameplate and you will be making your machinery the best it can be.