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Membrane Switch Customization: What It Means for You

Looks are everything. Everybody knows that. Or at least we all know that in many–if not most cases–looks are everything. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a model walking down the catwalk or the appearance of a sign in an effort to get your attention. Anyone who posts a sign needs to do everything they can to get your attention as well as to make sure the message they have gets across in as short a time as possible. Otherwise, what is the sense in even attempting to send a message?

A case in point is the old joke of a person who has ignored or didn’t see a sign on a park bench that said, “Wet Paint.” But what is the good in putting up a sign that warns a potential sitter of the dangers of relaxing on a particular bench when it can’t be seen or is made of a lackluster quality that the sign doesn’t get attention? The point is that regardless of the type of message of a sign or label, that communication should be done in as effective a means as possible that it will get the desired result.

It also doesn’t matter whether your message is to loudly tell a passer-by that they need to find a better place to sit or the user of a machine how to operate it in as efficient and a safe a manner as possible. in the latter case, it is often best done with one of the latest labeling innovations in the world today, membrane switches. What matters most is that regardless of the vehicle you use, the message that you want to communicate should match the tools that you use to do it with. It doesn’t matter what the message might be. Fortunately, membrane switches have proven their worth for years in getting a message across in an efficient manner that is attractive and practical.

Even better is the fact that membrane switches are made in such a way that they can be attractively made, regardless of the message that is to be included. Further, the nature of membrane switches makes it possible for you to make the switch and the sign to be one and the same. There’s no need for a separate sign and switch to do the job. This cuts down on the space needed to communicate a message as well as to provide a switch to allow action on the part of the user. This ability to customize your message without over concern about the switch itself makes getting a job done efficiently and economically easier than ever. Membrane switches make the job of efficiency and economy easier than ever. Further, there is no need to need extra space for use by the switch and any printed information in the vicinity of the switch. What could be easier than having the instructions on the switch itself?

By customizing your membrane switches you provide a platform that is quick and easy to use and that can be as easy as 1-2-3 to follow instructions that might be included alongside a keypad. Even more general graphics, including logos and other marks, can be included in any sort of customization of a membrane switch combination.

Perhaps the best news of all is the fact that all it takes to get started is a consultation call with Hallmark Nameplate to decide how and where is best to get you started on a whole new level of where technology and innovation get started. Their sales consultants can show you exactly how you can put the full power of membrane switch technology to work wherever you might happen to want it to work for you. Traditional switches are so yesterday. Why not give your equipment a more modern look with the convenience of today’s membrane switch technology? It’s quick and it’s easy, beginning with a short call to Hallmark. After that, we will do all the work you need to get you started on a whole new way of doing business. Why not call us today to see how we can give your business a whole new way of working?


With Customizable Control Panels, You Have Control

Regardless of what you might manufacture or operate, there is always the temptation to create products or even just elements of products that are just good enough. After all, who hasn’t gotten a good laugh out of the old comment, “It’s good enough for government work.” It’s funny, to be sure, but the truth is that there are many cases when “close enough” plainly isn’t good enough. In fact, in some cases, “good enough” can be dangerous, if not fatal.

A good example of this problem is in the application of electrical controls or others where misuse of controls can cause malfunctions. This is exactly where a clearly marked control panel is critical, or as the old saying goes, “It’s like the difference between the right word and the almost right word is like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

Customizable control panels can be designed which have special meaning to actual users as opposed to designers or engineers who might not be the actual users of machinery. And in this era of more and more foreign-born workers, it is imperative that despite labeling being accurate, to a person who might more accustomed to another language, or even a different form of the same language, customizable control panels can be critical.

More Than Just Words

Another benefit of customizable control panels is the fact that not only can copy of a control panel be fully customizable, but the images outlining the controls themselves can also be customized. this means that size and shape can be adapted to fit the needs and priorities of individuals and users. Likewise, colors can be customized to reflect those same factors.

Even if these factors are printed on a control panel, that doesn’t mean that they need to be permanent. Instead, with customizable graphic overlays, controls can be highlighted as they reflect the needs of the user. Is a control not needed in a given situation, you can block out the button by marking it invisible or mark it with a warning indicator. Graphic overlays make all of this fully customizable whenever you need it.

Apps, Widgets, and Shortcuts

With graphic overlays, you can be in full control of virtually any control panel, giving you clean, simple interfaces that users can launch almost instantaneously, as soon as they touch a control. Everything they need is at their fingertips, fully recognizable on a clear, easy to understand interface. Turn it off or on, adapt amounts, virtually anything you want can be indicated on the display.

Do you have equipment that isn’t necessarily the latest and greatest? It doesn’t matter. With customizable graphic overlays, you can update virtually anything on your control panels without replacing an entire piece of equipment. In fact, you might not even need to reprogram a system. You just need to change the labeling to the widget you want. And even if there is additional programming or other work needed, you can put off making expensive repairs and replacements by using graphic overlays.

Here to Help

At Hallmark Nameplate, we are fully committed to helping our clients to meet all of their control needs, regardless of where that level or control might be. Further, we consider it our job to create graphic overlays that are fully customized to create solutions to their needs. We work closely with all of our clients, whether they be OEMs or resellers, to both develop and implement custom graphic overlays as well as their incorporating systems that fit their specific process requirements.

We offer our clients all of the creative and technical resources at our disposal, including design, engineering, and fabricating of control panel graphic overlays for all types of products, whether they be for OEMs, mechanical and electrical products, processes, and both small and large and large as well as multiple system production lines. We are a company dedicated to meeting your standards in all of your design processes, your quality components, as well as your fabrication methodologies. We will work with you and your teams to design, create, and implement all of your environmental requirements. Our experience compasses a wide range of design and implement requirements in many different environments.

Why the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) Matters

When you consider purchasing a membership in an organization, you should always try to determine the value such a membership really is. After all, nearly everyone has been talked into a membership that they later regretted buying, whether it was because it cost too much money or the value of the membership was questionable. Different types of groups also have different values to individuals. For example, genealogy groups might be valuable to one person, worthless to another. At one time or another, nearly everyone is approached about joining a professional group or trade association. In most cases, most people are tempted to join on the first impulse. After all, don’t these groups benefit us in our careers and give us relationships that will enhance our futures? Not necessarily.

The Specialty Graphic Imaging Association is different. Much different. In fact, when it comes to keeping up with what is going on in the specialty graphics imaging business, there are few organizations anywhere that are better suited to keeping you up to date on what is happening from a technical perspective as well as a business.

Working on a day to day business, it’s hard to keep up with everything that is constantly going on from a technological basis. that’s a fact of life, whether you attend shows, or just attempt to keep up by reading the trade journals. There is simply no way you can keep up. And this doesn’t even consider the perspective you must face on a daily basis where you must run your business and keep up with all the advances that will allow you to do that better too.

So what if you were told that you need to have ways to keep up with what the latest and greatest is in your business? Would you consult with all the libraries and other sources available to you? Let’s face it. Nobody has that kind of time and resources. Besides, a single day of running your business and you are pretty spent at the end. You could take classes at a local college or adult education organization, but who has the time, much less the regular schedule that would allow you to do that?

By joining the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association you can take advantage of all the benefits of education in your field without committing to a lot of extraneous hours outside of your business and your regular life. The Specialty Graphic Imaging Association provides members with all the information they need to keep current with the technical aspects of their field as well as the latest in business management techniques. Not only that, but all of this is provided in formats that will allow you to keep current while keeping up with your life otherwise. You really can learn what you need to know as well as learn the latest that will give you the advantage of running a cutting-edge business in your field of specialty.

By keeping up with the publications offered by the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association you can learn literally what everyone else is taking the time to take full courses to learn, and you can do it for far less. And you don’t have to worry about whether you will be taught a lot of things that you don’t need to learn. You will learn only what you need, and not what some Ivory Tower professor things you need to do your job.

Perhaps best of all, by becoming a member of the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association you will be telling the world that you take the time and effort to keep up to date with what your profession is all about and that you know the latest techniques and tools to make your work the best it can be. Membership in the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association tells all of your clients and potential clients that they can have the confidence in your work and know that when you give you a job to do, it will be done to a high level of professionalism and craftsmanship.

Why not join today to get your business up to speed on what you can offer your clients?