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Individualization Within Our Products

Individualization is taking the competition to the next level.  The purpose is to co-design custom products to customer specifications using state of the art processes.  Today, our services share the knowledge for selecting the right technologies to meet market demands.  The technology allows industry standards to fit customized designs. Individualization makes your product unique. By personalizing your product, we create something that surpasses the competition without crossing design boundaries or platforms.

We offer our clients the opportunity of separating themselves from the general commodity markets. The process of individualizing each product is a commitment to maintaining your brand. Our company provides customers with experience to improve product performance, customer satisfaction and bottom-line profitability.

As part of the technology, individualization works by replacing earlier methods with more advanced processes.  Our techniques distinguish us from other companies. The process ensures high performance of the product.  We can elevate your performance to the level of significance you seek.  Our methods are adding value to your name and the product brand.

The Art of Innovative Product Customization

Technology is evolving.  Today the industry continues to adapt digital systems integrating electronics processors.  For instance, one company may have a single model, but requires dozens of these models in various configurations with customized nameplates, graphic overlays and logos. We offer solutions to niche markets, reducing the struggle of expansion costs without any loss of product quality.

At the other end of the spectrum are companies with strict standards and industry compliance.  These industries rely on electronic components noted for specialized enclosures, material thickness, switch sizes, assemblies and panel functions. Individualized products present challenges for our clients:

  • Maintaining inventories
  • Adding the latest technology enhancements
  • Retaining industry compliance

We respond to these reactive processes with normal business practices, while building new designs to fit customized engineering functions. Like most organizations we share the same belief ties to our reputations is value of our products.

Individualized products are quickly gaining the market’s interest for future competitiveness. Companies of all sizes are exploring a variety of cutting- edge strategies and technologies to deliver individualized products.  While we customize your brand, we offer new models for applying the latest technology.  Smart manufacturing techniques are expediting individualized products within shorter manufacturing time.  Our processes and services are increasing the responsiveness and performance required to do business.

Benefits to the Company, Market and the Economy

Individualized products have added more flexibility to meet the changing markets.  Our systems allow for tighter controls over variable costs for multiple products.  Our designs are built on high standards, offering significant production savings.  Companies looking to offer limited editions, specialized disciplines or new product introductions appreciate the cost savings.  It is an opportunity to test the market’s responsiveness using industry accepted quality standards.

  • Are you thinking about how to expand your current capabilities to accommodate your customer’s demand for customization?

As experts in individualized products, we have done the work for you.  We know how your customers are using your products. More important, we have the process in place to improve them with individualized.  The results are undeniable.

Future Collaborations of Individualized Products

Technology has created a fast-paced market segment, where customer’s knowledge of individualized product values is expanding. Our tested and proven techniques are designing products in line with various industry requirements without interference to manufacturing related restrictions. The approach creates improved products compared to the earlier generations. Our advancements are integrating certain elements into the design process, enabling multiple models suitable for a variety of industries.

  • As the market demand grows, so will the demand for improved and enhanced product features. Our processes are in place; all you need to do is decide.

As the future revolves around individualized products, the landscape will follow, transforming yesterday’s technology into today’s innovations. The point where customers expect individualized product values as the norm will set the stage for leaders and followers in this competitive market. We will synchronize our knowledge to fit your company’s product and market demand.  Then we will step back to watch it go mainstream.


Learn more about this new trend of individualized products.  Find out how we can help your company meet the demand for customization. Rather than reinventing, companies are transforming with shorter planning cycles, real-time scheduling and on-time deliverables to meet individualized orders. Contact our offices. We are ready to answer questions on how individualized product designs can improve how your company does business.

What an ISO 9001 Certification Is and What It Means to You and Your Business

When you’re researching companies to provide things like nameplates and manufacturing services, quality is likely one of the most important factors in your decision. As a savvy buyer, you check reviews, ask around, and do your research. That’s because you know that the presence or absence of quality management within an organization resonates through all that they do from the quality of their products, to timely deliveries, to managing client accounts to resolving challenges.

Your business runs best when it’s partnered with vendors who understand this. Late shipments or inferior products mean delays that you as a business leader cannot afford. They cost you time and they cost you money. That’s why when you’re looking for a manufacturing partner you want one that is ISO 9001 Certified.

What is the ISO?

The ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. As a business leader, you know the importance of standardization. When clear policies and procedures are in place, your organization runs more smoothly.

Without strict international standards, companies who buy goods and services within the global marketplace would not know what they are buying and what to expect from the company. They must know this whether that company is in Hong Kong or Middle America. The ISO researches, collaborates with industry experts and establishes standards for various industries and across industries. They then certify that companies are meeting those standards.

What is an ISO 9001 Certification?

ISO 9001 is the certification that a company receives for its quality management systems. It specifically addresses how a company’s processes provide real benefit to the customer. It entails everything from processes at the very top of the organization to the entry level employees to any contract labor.

How Does a Company Become ISO 9001 Certified?

To obtain this prestigious certification, a company must demonstrate the compliance of its quality management systems. The qualification looks at procedures related to:

  • People
  • Facilities
  • Equipment
  • Training
  • Services

The qualification is strenuous and the certification hard-earned. This is great news for you. Your business needs a partner that understands quality and lives it.

A company that has obtained this certification has:

  • Researched 9001 standards
  • Aligned its own policies and procedures with the ISO
  • Extensively self-audited to assure its own compliance
  • Applied to become a part of the certification process
  • Undergone a formal external audit from an ISO-approved auditor
  • Obtained a Certification

But the process does not stop there. Quality is not just about meeting a goal and then remaining stagnant. Quality is about continual growth. Because of this, organizations that have been approved must have processes in place to continually work to identify needed improvements, and make them, to benefit the customer.

What Does This Mean For You as A Customer?

This certification means that we have the policies and procedures in place to provide you with the utmost product and service. Our quality standards have undergone rigorous testing. And we produce quality. Let’s look at how these standards impact the individual products or services you may request.

Nameplates – Every nameplate is designed to strictly meet specifications. You can expect the materials to meet or exceed durability expectations for that material, colors to be consistent, images to be crisp. Our nameplates are the face of your products. And they should live up to their role in the success of your business.

Graphic Overlays – Graphic overlays are more complex than nameplates. But their complexity can be no excuse for inconsistent quality. You can expect all embossing, trans-color displays and textures to be clearly defined and exact. Our graphic overlays can take the heat and almost any environment you can throw at them. You tell us what extremes to which you reasonably expect the overlay to be subjected. And we design that overlay to last.

Membrane Switches – With membrane switches, breaches are unacceptable. Our non-tactile switches are robust and completely sealed, able withstand over 5 million actuations. Now that’s quality. Our tactile switches are internally vented for a complete seal and even with the increased wear and tear they’ll endure, you can trust that they can take over 1 million actuations.

Electronic Assemblies – These include control panels, circuit boards and box assemblies, so precision is everything. Our electronic assemblies are of the highest quality and the most reliable in the industry. That’s why we’re the premiere provider for some of the biggest manufacturers in the world.

Electronic Manufacturing – With our state of the art equipment, we can can provide through-hole, surface, or mixed PCB assembly. Just like everything else we do, we have the systems in place to assure consistent quality throughout.

Your Provider Should be ISO 9001 Certified

Quality every step of the way, inside and out, that’s what it means to be ISO 9001 Certified. We’re proud to be able to provide our customer with the highest quality. At Hallmark Nameplate quality isn’t simply our goal, it’s our culture.

Make Your Graphics Fly High With Impact

There was a time before the era of computers that creating a graphic overlay was a little extra work, but for the effort involved, the effects that could be created were well worth the time and investment.  Thanks a lot to today’s technology, graphic overlays are not only of higher quality, but they are easier and much less expensive to produce than ever before.  With most of the software programs that are available today, graphic overlays are often not much more than just a push of a button away.  There are, however, things that you must consider when creating a graphic overlay that will work with the product you are creating.  Making sure that there is synchronism between your graphic and the overlay is the purpose of this article.  

Things To Consider When Creating a Graphic Overlay

Does it aid in sending the message?  It is common knowledge among professionals in the field, but still bears repeating from time to time: everything in a layout, design elements or copy, should contribute to the message of a piece.  As a result, if an element such as an overlay doesn’t contribute to the overall message, it should be taken out.  Simply put, your graphic overlay should make the message of your ad or other piece more effective at delivering its message.

Is it the right design?  One of the most exciting things about computer design technology is the ease with which an artist can create highly effective and imaginative artwork with relative ease.  Before computers, creating overlays was a time-consuming and labor-intensive effort that could be very difficult to change once an error was caught or a decision was made to change a look.  Today, that is no longer the case.  Literally, with the touch of a button, an overlay can be created and/or changed at the whim of the designer.  Find an error or did you decide to make another overlay?  That can be done as well with a practically infinite number of overlays that are available on your palette.  Further, you can adjust the color, size, fade, or any other element as quickly and easily as you can change your mind.

What else can you do with overlays?  It doesn’t take long singing the praises of overlays before you start exploring more ways to use them in order to expand your abilities.  Some of these options include layering, magnifying, use as text backgrounds, fade and blend.  These abilities are so powerful that let’s look at them one by one.

  1.  Layering.  Once you have an original graphic you want to use, maybe you decide that an additional graphic or another element would look good over the top of the first one.  This is a very common job for an overlay, in fact, it’s the most common job of an overlay.  Quite simply, having the ability to overlay allows you to work with more than one graphic at a time on your original, giving you the look you want.  You can go hog wild like Russian nesting dolls, or be very simple with only one or two.  Did you accidentally misplace one layer or maybe used one when intended another?  Just click a button and everything is the way you want it.
  1.  Magnify.  Remember the old days of going back and forth to the camera in the darkroom to adjust magnification until you got to where you wanted to be?  It’s not necessary anymore.  Today you can magnify or reduce to any degree you wish and you don’t even need to leave your computer.
  1.  Want a text background?  In the old days they were called labels, but today they are called text background.  And with an overlay tool, creating whatever you want is easy.
  1.  Want to fade?  Creating a fade is another easy job to perform when you know how to use overlays.  It’s not a job that requires a time consuming process on an art table anymore.  With an overlay program on your computer, you can have fades along with many other effects.
  1.  Need a blend?  Blending is basically known as color math, which allows you to adjust the hue of one graphic to better work with that of another.  It’s easy to do with overlays.

Do you still have a passion for yet more effects from your computer?  Overlays will let you explore like never before.