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What ISO Compliance Means For Our Clients

When it comes to making quality products that our customers trust, standards are everything. At Hallmark Nameplate, we do more than live up to our own standards. Our company is in compliance with a network called ISO, the International Organization for Standardization.

The ISO is an independent, non-governmental organization with a membership of 162 national standards bodies. Thousands of standards, or guidelines, on how things should work and maintaining quality, safety, and efficiency have been published by the ISO. The organization covers a wide variety of industries and is extremely important when it comes to international trade. What the ISO means for our specific clients, is that our products are not only expected, but required to maintain a level of quality. Client satisfaction is the most important focus of Hallmark Nameplate and staying in network with ISO guarantees that everything from appearance to safety are high priority for us.

There are members of the ISO located all over the world. The United States formed its own institute called the ANSI, the American National Standards Institute. The ANSI represents the needs and views of U.S. stakeholders in standardization forums around the globe. They have a headquarters in Washington, DC and and an operations office in New York City. Their purpose is to enhance global business competitiveness and improve the quality of life for the world’s citizens.

Heavy research has gone into so many aspects of what we do here at Hallmark Nameplate and industry policies and codes of conduct have been created based on that research. As a consumer, you may not realize how much time and effort has gone into making sure that everything from the food you eat, to the screen you are reading this on, to the cars going down the street right now have been thoroughly inspected and held to a certain expectation. People involved with the ISO have worked extremely hard to create guidelines and standards for all kinds of products so that the safety and well-being of consumers all over the world are protected.

Hallmark Nameplate is just one of many companies that are in compliance with ISO. As an informed consumer, take a look at some of the other products you use and do some research to find out whether or not the companies who manufactured those products participate with ISO compliance. Take a look here at what Biz Manuals says are the 10 reasons for needing ISO 9001 certification.

Consumers are the most important piece of the business puzzle. The feedback that is received from clients is invaluable because it controls how businesses are run based on what is purchased and what is said about those purchases. We want our clients to know that they are purchasing products of the highest quality when they decide on a Hallmark Nameplate product. We also want to hear from our clients and receive testimonials based on reactions to our products. By maintaining a required level of quality, we are able to consistently deliver our best products possible. When we verify that our products are living up to the ISO expectations, we can expect to hear positive feedback from our customers and that is exactly what we strive for. The importance of ISO compliance continually goes back to our client’s reviews of our products.

It is important to us that our clients are aware of how seriously we take our standards. No matter the Hallmark Nameplate product, we want it to be the best and most reliable for all of our clients. We encourage our clients to research and become familiar with the standards our company is held to as well as other companies that are also members of the ISO. We believe that it is an important right as an American consumer to be aware of what quality and standards mean to this country. Our goal is to consistently meet our client’s expectations and we are able to do that by making evidence based decisions on customer feedback knowing that we are in compliance with ISO.

How Does Color Matching Work?

One of the biggest technological advancements we have continuously kept up on here at Hallmark is the art of color matching. Great strides in the printing world give Hallmark Nameplate amazing results when it comes to printing our graphics and nameplates. And once those advancements included color, they have not turned back. Precision is key in our business, and that goes from the most basic product to the most detailed of products. Regardless of what we are creating, we want our clients to end up with the exact result that they were hoping for.

Design and color are huge factors in what make our products look so great. When it comes to the colors we print on products, we do not accept anything less than completely accurate. We use state of the art tools and technology to help us reach the exact color desired by our client and accept nothing less. Regardless of the size or shape of your product, you can expect the same color result every time.

At Hallmark Nameplate, we use a system called color matching and a tool called a spectaphotometer to gauge and recreate the colors we are working with. Color matching is a method of specifying colors for a print job used for commercial printing. It is a heavily researched method because it not only has to do with what a color looks like, but the psychology behind colors and psychology. When it comes to marketing, color is one of the most controversial subjects in the game.

Our designers have the knowledge and skills to not only match your exact colors for printing, but also consult with you about what kind of messages you are sending with the colors that you choose for your desired product. This could be an extremely beneficial conversation to have before the color matching process because the color you choose to match may be sending a psychological message you are unaware of. If you are interested in learning more about the psychology of colors in our Hallmark Products, click here.

The first step in color matching is using our equipment to determine the exact color. The spectaphotometer is able to take a look at a color, measure the intensity of light that it gives off, and then give us an exact recipe for how to recreate the color exactly using a series of numbers. We are then able to use those numbers to use that exact color over and over again in any way we want. This is a valuable tool when it comes to printing everything from nameplates, switchboards to graphic overlays.

Our clients and the quality of their products mean everything to us here at Hallmark and we have learned that by delivering precise and exact colors has been one of our greatest strengths. We have color matched hundreds of client’s products and recreated the color to exact specification. We are extremely proud of the success we have had with applying color to our products and look forward to making many more customers happy by staying up to date on the best color matching technology as well as color marketing knowledge. It is our job to make sure we are continuously delivering the colors that our clients desire time after time.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our color matching process or the tools that we use for color matching. We would be happy to speak with you in greater detail about your own specific items and make sure that we get all of your questions answered. Call us today to set up an appointment to bring in any inspiration or ideas that you have for your next nameplate, graphic, or electronic device. We will do our absolute best to make your ideas become a reality. Your mismatched colors and graphics are a thing of the past.

The Benefits of User Feedback

It’s true what they say, you don’t know ’til you know. And here at Hallmark Nameplate, we want to know. Feedback on our products and services is crucial to maintaining and even improving the quality. Nothing makes us happier than knowing that a customer is satisfied with our work. Likewise, if there is anything a customer thinks can be improved upon, we want to know about that too. Communication is key with all things business. The benefits of customer and user feedback are what keeps us at the top of our game and what helps us continue to make people happy.

Research has been done throughout the business world that the best way to know how to improve a product is through user feedback. There is simply no better way to gauge how well a product works and how well it will sell if there is no dialogue between the user and the producer. Well known companies who have improved their services over and over again rely heavily on the feedback method and have proven that it increases satisfaction in everyone including the user, the company, and the employees working for the company.

Web Analyst & Optimization Specialist of T-Mobile, Margot Van Pelt told researchers,“T-mobile experiences increased customer satisfaction due to streamlined handling of feedback.” They are not the only ones. Companies all over the world want to know what the public thinks of what they are making. Business Analyst for Rabobank, Fatih Agirman, says that they are always looking for better customer engagement and that they are constantly looking to improve the interaction.

At Hallmark Nameplate our mission is to provide quality goods and services that enhance your business. Whether it be a nameplate, graphic overlay, switchboard, or control panel, we want to give our best work to our customers. By delivering the highest quality of products and services we are able to grow our business and customer base. Sales are a great way of tracking our success but the real test of our company is what the customer thinks. We would not be where we are today without the loyalty and trust of the wonderful people who not only rely on us for work that is valuable to them but who keep coming back for more. The loyalty that our customers offer us is invaluable and would not be possible without their precious feedback.

Why we want to hear from you:

-The Customer Knows Best
When someone is using our products, they see it in a new and unique way that differs from the way we see it when it is created. The customer is the one who has more user experience and knows how it works in a particular environment. We would love to know what the customer knows because the customer knows best! Tell us all about how you use our product, why you love it, or if there is more you would like to get out of it.

-We Can Improve Our Products
Users who enjoy using the products we have made and the services we provide enjoy them because they work. But we want to make them work even better! If there is something more a customer wants out of a product then we want to know about it. Feedback allows us to create even better products that can make a customer even happier.

-Increase Production
When products work well and customers are happy, business is better. We want customer satisfaction and we want to make quality products. If we can do that well, it allows us to create even more quality products and add even more satisfied customers to the list. We can only do that if we know what keeps customers happy and how we can keep them that way.

How to give us feedback:
Click on the ‘Contact Us’ button on our page and fill out the Comments/Questions section. Tell us anything about your thoughts on our products and services. It is beneficial not only to our company but to the many people who rely on our company for quality and satisfaction.

You can also contact us by writing to us on Twitter or simply giving us a phone call at 800.874.9063.

The Basic of a Good Nameplate

A good nameplate needs to be able to withstand the weather and send the right message. A great nameplate needs to do all of that while also looking fantastic. At Hallmark Nameplate we go the extra mile to make sure that not only do our customers end up with a nameplate that gets the job done efficiently, they end up with a nameplate that exceeds their visual expectations. Contact us to get more details on the process of making your own customized nameplate. Whether it needs to send a simple and straightforward message, or is more of an aesthetic piece, we can help. Find out below what we think goes into the details of making a great nameplate and give us a call to discuss your own idea.

The Surface

One of the first things that we do when creating a nameplate is consider the surface that it will be mounted on. Since nameplates do not require embossing or extensive engineering, there is a wide variety of surfaces available for nameplates. When designing your nameplate, the team at Hallmark will work with you on deciding which surface, or substrate as we call it, is best for what you are looking for. We have 5 substrates available for nameplates that can be used in unique ways.

-Polycarbonate (lexan)
This is a great choice for outdoors because it can whether the elements and also withstand high heat. It is available in a gloss, velvet, or matte finish, so the look is extremely versatile.

-Polyester (Mylar)
If you need a nameplate that can really withstand harsh treatment, this is the best choice. It is available in a gloss or matte finish that will last despite any harsh chemicals or powerful UV rays.

Vinyl is great because it has the ability to be made flexible. It can also be made with a gloss or matte finish and has a wide range of thickness. It can be available for outdoors with a UV protective coating that is available at Hallmark.

For more creative and unique paper labels, come to Hallmark. We can make a large amount of paper labels and can also vary the size.

These are available with a matte or mill finish and a wide range of thickness. Nameplates made out of aluminum are extremely durable and considered to be the most rugged of materials.

Color and Design

At Hallmark Nameplate we are extremely proud of our designers and color experts who work on our nameplates. A lot of time and effort goes into designing a both functional and beautiful nameplate.

We base a great deal of our design on the color theory. A full-time colorist is on staff with knowledge of color design, matching, and quality control. The psychology of color and how the brain works with color and design is implemented when our nameplates are designed and helps to guarantee that the end result will be pleasing to the human eye.

Screen printing is available at Hallmark Nameplate, so if you are looking for a nameplate with a specific logo or graphic design, we are able to insert that with extreme precision. We are also fully equipped for digital printing which means our nameplates can have exact visuals laid out onto our nameplates with brilliant clarity.

Unique Touches

Nameplates can be very functional pieces. Some come with serial numbers or barcodes and some of them send a very strong message of warning or danger. There is a time and place for creative touches and we know that not all of our customers are looking for simple and straightforward nameplates. At Hallmark Nameplate the customer is able to sit down with designers who will help them through the process of coming up with a creative and unique nameplate that exceeds their expectations. If you are in need of a nameplate that is different or customized, do not hesitate to contact us. We will work with you to make your nameplate dream a reality.

At Hallmark Nameplate, nameplates are our specialty and we deliver quality nameplates that tailor to exactly what the customer is need of. That’s what separates our great nameplates from the good nameplates.