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Hallmark Nameplate Answers Your Product Questions

Starting your next nameplate, graphic overlay, membrane switch, or electronic assembly is a process filled with questions, no matter who you choose to work with. 3 While many questions can be answered after you take the first step and decide to work with us, we’re here to answer any questions as early as we can.

Here are some questions that may arise, and the answers you need to make the big decisions:

What if I don’t have a graphic designer?

When you choose to work with Hallmark Nameplate, you’ll be working with a team of designers ready to help take your product to the next level. Our graphic design team is tasked with creating a design that will not only give your product a finished look but will also convey quality and durability. After the design, we work alongside manufacturers to create assemblies that accomplish all necessary tasks in the most effectual way possible. Assemblies can be built according to your specifications and functionality.

Taking it one step further, your design many require color-matching services, which we hold in high regard alongside product design. We have mastered color matching with specialists that have an eye for complete color consistency. Beyond the human eye, we use technical elements to ensure that we are matching any colors you’re envisioning with exceptional results. With equipment that is constantly testing for color quality and specialists available to mix, test, produce and control colors for every print job, there’s no doubt that your design needs will be exceeded.

What measures do you take to ensure a quality product?

Our operations are laser-focused on quality, from graphic design through quality testing and beyond. Our dedication to quality products is evidenced by the ISO 9001:2008 Registered designation of our membrane switches. Not only that, but we are also approved suppliers with Underwriters Laboratory, Canadian Standards Association, and International Traffic in Arms Regulations. For our customers, these compliances are a guarantee of quality control at its finest!

One of the features of your product that we hold in high regard is how we can enhance it for end users. We know that for a manufacturer wanting to sell their product, the quality is in the details. When it comes down to it, our products are what users of your equipment will encounter time after time. In order to ensure a positive experience every time, we focus our energy into designing an aesthetically appealing product with high tactile quality. Creating a positive environment for our clients’ products fosters a positive experience within our business as well, and we hold that in high esteem.

What if I only need part of a project completed with you?

Depending on your budget and your product’s end design, we can handle all of your electronic assembly needs, from engineering design, all the way through production and testing. We do understand, however, that not all of our clients need every service that we offer. They want only partial components assembled. With the ability to scale manufacturing, Hallmark Nameplate can handle production, or focus on other areas of your project, depending on what our customers need to be successful.

The scalability of our solutions has evolved as a result of the different needs of our customers. We attribute many of our strong relationships with clients over our years of experience to our scalable solutions, which allow us to provide precisely the services that are required by each of our unique clients.

How do I know that my product can withstand continuous use?

At Hallmark Nameplate, we are proud to offer products that can pass this test. If you’re looking to understand how we measure quality between membrane switches, the answer is simple: actuations. Our membrane switches are designed with quality and use in mind, which is why they can last through an unbelievable 5 million actuations. With the right combination of superior design and substrate choices, your project can withstand the pressures of heavy use and you can count on far more than 5 million actuations.

One of the most relieving parts of the project process is knowing and trusting that in the end, you’ve chosen a business that puts your business first. Having your questions answered and your concerns addressed in the beginning of the process, alongside the earliest stages, will help the rest of the project run smoothly and keep you satisfied. As a company dedicated to customer satisfaction and high-quality, Hallmark Nameplate is here to guide you through your nameplate, graphic overlay, membrane switch, and electronic assembly needs.

What is Underwriters Laboratory (UL)?

When you make the choice to work with Hallmark Nameplate, you know you’re choosing a company that values service, quality, and trust. However, we are always looking to take our commitment to the best products to the next level. It’s because of this that we are approved suppliers with Underwriters Laboratory (UL).

What is Underwriters Laboratory?

UL is a global independent safety science company with more than a century of expertise innovating safety solutions from the public adoption of electricity to new breakthroughs in sustainability, renewable energy, and nanotechnology. They are all about promoting not just safe living and working environments, but also the safety of people, products, and places. Dedicated to facilitating global trade in many expansive industries, Underwriters Laboratory strives to provide peace of mind for businesses that work with them, and consumers looking for guidance in a confusing global market.

What do they do?

The core purpose of Underwriters Laboratory is to certify, validate, test, verify, inspect, advise and educate others, business and customers alike. They understand the complexity of today’s modern supply chains, and how easy it is for customers to get tangled in compliance and regulatory issues. In order to facilitate global trade and allow for peace of mind, they make it easier for businesses to validate themselves and their products, and for customers to make sound decisions.

By providing support for both sides of the coin, Underwriters Laboratory can simultaneously promote safe living and working environments around the world. Under the belief that customers deserve the best access to a global marketplace, they work closely with industries and authorities to keep safety and innovation equally at the forefront of our evolving global landscape.

Who does Underwriters Laboratory work with?

UL makes it their undertaking to work with a varied array of participants. In order to really optimize the supply chain for manufacturers (like Hallmark Nameplate), they must provide a broad range of services that support each and every stage of a product’s life cycle. Not only do they work with retailers, but they also consult with governments and collaborate on standards that even the playing fields.

Underwriters Laboratory exercises their prowess and leadership through three strategic business units:

Commercial and Industrial Units: In working with these factors of the global sector, UL is able to provide a vast array of safety, performance, and compliance services with the goal of safe and superior products. Their expertise spans through a multitude of industries, over more than 100 years, and through thousands of products with demanding regulatory and performance requirements.

Consumers: UL makes it their mission to defend the integrity of product performance, so that consumers can rest assured that the products they purchase are of the highest quality.

UL “Ventures:” UL helps companies address all new challenges in product and organizational safety, health, supply chain, and sustainability.

What is the Underwriters Laboratory mission?

UL has been working for a safer world since its inception in 1894, and follows principles and values established by their founder with every decision they make. They are as follows:

  • To promote the safe living and working environments for people by the application of safety science and hazard-based safety engineering.
  • To support the production and use of products which are physically and environmentally safe and to apply our efforts to prevent or reduce loss of life and property.
  • To advance safety science through research and investigation.
  • To concentrate our efforts and resources on public safety in those areas where we can make valuable contributions.
  • To work with integrity and a focus on quality to enhance the trust conveyed by our certification marks and services.
  • To charge fair prices that allow us to meet our obligations, sustain our growth, and invest in safety science and education.
  • To invest in our people and encourage our people to invest in themselves.
  • To be a good example of corporate citizenship and social responsibility.

Regulatory demands are constantly growing and changing, and it is our job at Hallmark Nameplate to keep up with those demands every day. Working in compliance and in accordance with Underwriters Laboratory not only adds to our credibility and simplifies our mission, but also allows us to understand consumer needs and act swiftly to meet them. Ultimately, Underwriters Laboratory supports the innovation essential for the wellbeing of our world.

If you are looking to start your project with a team that takes your every need into consideration while creating a functional, aesthetic product, contact Hallmark Nameplate today!

6 Reasons to Choose Hallmark Nameplate

When it comes to starting your next nameplate, graphic overlay, or electronic assembly project, we at Hallmark Nameplate certainly know that you have options. However, there are many advantages to working with us that will make your project a breeze from conception all the way through implementation. If you are getting ready to take the first step toward a functional and beautiful project, look no further. Here are the top six reasons to choose Hallmark Nameplate for your every project need:

1. We have both partial and complete solutions available.

Depending on your budget and your product’s end design, we can handle all of your electronic assembly needs from engineering design through production and testing. But we know that not all clients will want the full assembly procedure; some will want only partial components assembled. With our scalable manufacturing, we are able to handle production entirely or focus on constituent parts, depending on what you need to help create a successful, functional, and aesthetic product.
These scalable solutions have enabled us to build strong relationships with our clients over the years. In fact, our company as grown entirely because our clients have asked us to take on new capabilities. Our clients enjoy working with the team at Hallmark Nameplates and they enjoy our high quality, reliable turnaround production time.

2. The choices are endless.

Whether it is a new nameplate, graphic overlay, membrane switch, or electronic assembly, there is no doubt that you have many choices when it comes to substrates and materials used to get the job done. From all the nameplate substrates to membrane switch construction elements, you will be able to choose from many different options and configurations to make the best possible product.

3. We have 50+ years of experience in the industry.

Because we have spent so many years in the industry, we have learned the ins and outs in order to best assist our clients. We have seen competitors come and go, and have experienced nothing but growth within our own company, and our practices are tired and true.

4. Our certifications show our commitment to quality.

Our operations are attuned to quality from graphic design through quality testing before order fulfillment shipping. Our dedication to quality is evidenced by our certifications in ISO 9001:2008 and our ITAR compliance. These certifications and compliances provide peace of mind that you are working with an organization that is committed to quality in every aspect of their work.

5. We have design assistance & color experts on call.

At Hallmark Nameplate, we have a team of designers and color experts ready to take your product manufacturing to the next level, so you’ll never have to worry about sacrificing aesthetics for functionality. We specialize in both and have the manpower to keep that promise time after time.

6. The Hallmark Nameplate promise: Quality, Service, and Reliability.

We have been in the nameplate, graphic overlay, and membrane switch, and electronic assembly business for many years and one thing that we haven’t sacrificed is our promise for quality, service, and reliability.

Quality: Hallmark Nameplate implements total quality management (TQM) at every turn in our manufacturing facility. We inspect every item before it is shipped to you and we measure with both data-driven computer feedback and the human eye. Quality matters to us, and you will see the difference.

Service: Whether you need assistance from an engineer or a designer, we will get you squared away. We offer comprehensive services from the finest professionals in the industry.

Reliability: We do not make promises we cannot keep, and we are not in the business of overselling. If you tell us what you need, we will quote you a price and a timeframe, and we will follow through. We are genuine, and you can count on that.

It is true that you have many choices if you are looking to create a new nameplate, graphic overlay, membrane switch, or electronic assembly. However, making an informed decision is the best way to get your project moving forward. With Hallmark Nameplate, you are guaranteed an opportunity to work with the best in the industry and receive a product that is flawless both aesthetically and functionally. To get your project started, contact us today!